Building a Strong Foundation.

Our Construction Trades program started with a conversation in October 2017. That conversation led to planning. That planning led to fundraising. That fund raising led to launch in September 2018. 


When the program launched in 2018, we were hoping we would have six students, and perhaps grow to 30 students in five years. We are proud to report over 100 students have benefitted from the program, and the 2020-2021 school year promises to be as robust as ever. We are excited to continue on this journey with our students as they discover their individual talents, and work to achieve their goals.

Photo by Image Source/DigitalVision / Getty Images

The class will be the springboard for future roofers, electricians, plumbers, painters, landscapers, masons and carpenters for our community and others. Our students will become certified specialists in these areas, and as professionals will provide valuable, much needed services in home renovations, cabinet making, new construction, concrete work, furniture making and so much more. They will apply current code and safety regulations to their plans and projects, and will learn to manage cost and schedules for on time, on budget delivery of a myriad of building and construction services.

Photo by Highwaystarz-Photography/iStock / Getty Images

The experience our students gain in the field will provide the strong foundation required to pursue opportunities for advancement. They will have the knowledge and the tools to eventually move up to roles in project management and/or administration – preparing bids for large projects, coordinating on-site workflows, supervising sub-contracted trades, and so much more. Well-rounded skillsets, coupled with their hands on experience, will prepare our students for their future, and some may even venture down the entrepreneurial path to become independent contractors, employing and teaching others their skillsets.